mother gazing at the camera while nursing toddler in bathtub
Without going too far spiritually or structurally, Rachel has a way about her that helps you understand yourself and gives you permission to be you as a person and artist.
— Brooke Holliday
woman holds an infant and twirls older child in living room

Find more from Brooke here.

woman holds toddlers hand as she leans over the child who is looking straight at the camera
The behind the scenes videos!!!! This is SUCH a helpful learning tool for me. I love getting to just observe a session in action. . . It’s also so much of a play between the client and the photographer and the dynamics of the day and location. I just love love love behind the scenes videos.
— Emily Lord
Woman hugs dog as her hair falls across the dogs face
Woman and her dog sit on stump looking opposite directions during blue hour

See Emily’s work on her website.

woman sits on a floral couch with a baby who is not quite awake or sleeping resting on her lap
How Too helped me ground into the kind of images I want to make and the kind of artist I want to be for myself and my clients. My perspective as a photographer is forever changed.
— Marion Pope
A man and baby sit in the background and in the foreground a person is holding a piece of toast

You can find more from Marion at her website.

Woman holds young child in the dappled light of a wooden window shade
I think a lot of us look to Rachel and her work for inspiration, and we find ourselves wondering how she creates the particular magic that she does in her images and her business as a whole. So to get access to her mind, methods, and frankly, her general philosophy on life is pretty damn special. This is far more than just a photography class. Rachel presents an opportunity to shift how you embrace yourself in order to embrace those in front of your camera and make honest and compelling work as a result. I will be returning to the insight gained from this course for a lifetime, I’m sure of it.
— Rebecca Adam
child sits on kitchen counter playing with their feet while the sunlight streams in the window

You can find Rebeccas’s work on IG @rebeccaadam__

silhouette of a child swinging against the sky
woman wearing bralette takes a photograph of herself in mirror
How Too helped me to feel a confidence in my work and myself as a photographer
— Heather Whitten

More of Heather’s work is here on her website.

Images created by Anna Longworth during October 2024 HOW TOO workshop.

Find more from Anna on her website.

Curious about the ways in which HOW TOO guided these photographers
to create inspiring imagery?